Published Fiction

  • A DOE IN CROWN LAND, 2021 (Queer Blades: A Queer Sword and Sorcery Romance Anthology, From the Farther Trees Magazine)
    A fantasy romance short story featuring Nolwenn, an outcast baker expulsed from her southern island home, and Vespera, a travelling northern huntress, forge an illegal deal that becomes much more. Read it online here or buy in print here!

    SCAREDROID 1.24 LOG BOOK, 2019 (The Arcanist)
    A horror microfiction about a robot scarecrow. Read it online here!

  • CRUSH, 2021 (Growth charity anthology, TL;DR Press)
    A YA eco-horror short story about a young woman in her first apartment with her overwhelming succulent plant. Buy it here!

    A sci-fi short story about an important council meeting on Mars. Buy it here!

    THE LILY CROWN, 2020 (NOPE 2 charity anthology, TL;DR Press)
    A horror short story featuring a haunted sibling, a hospital basement, and the strange loneliness of tragedy. Buy it here!

    A GIFTING WITCH, 2019 (Shades of Pride charity anthology, TL;DR Press)
    A fantasy short story about a young woman makes four treks up a mountain to visit the gifting witch, one for each season. Buy it here!

    LIMINAL SISTERS, 2019 (Kindred charity anthology, TL;DR Press)
    A contemporary fantasy short story about two sisters’ Halloween night misadventures. Buy it here!

    CLUSTER, 2018 (NOPE charity anthology, TL;DR Press)
    A horror short story about an island getaway at an old school friend’s gone wrong. Buy it here!

    ASSENT, 2018 (Carrying Fire charity anthology, TL;DR Press)
    A speculative short story about a woman’s final reckoning with the celebrity she’s impersonated all her life. Buy it here!

Editing & Judging

  • Beneath Strange Stars, 2019 (TL;DR Press)
    Editor. This collection features 35 short stories by emerging writers. Curated to benefit the Association for Science Education. Buy it here!

    Kindred, 2019 (TL;DR Press)
    Editor. This collection features 26 short stories by emerging writers. Curated to benefit the Kempe Foundation. Buy it here!

    NOPE, 2018 (TL;DR Press)
    Editor. This collection features 26 short stories by emerging writers. Curated to benefit the Pilcrow Foundation. Buy it here!

    Carrying Fire, 2018 (TL;DR Press)
    Curator. This collection features 41 short stories and poems by 33 emerging writers. Curated to benefit the Endometriosis Foundation of America. Buy it here!

  • Alchemy: The 1,000 Word Herd Competition Winners, 2021 (TL;DR Press)
    Judge. A collection of the 25 highest-rated flash fiction pieces from TL;DR Press first flash fiction competition. All proceeds donated to World Literacy Foundation. Buy it here!

    Endless Pictures: The 1,000 Word Herd Competition Winners, 2020 (TL;DR Press)
    Judge. A collection of the 20 highest-rated flash fiction pieces from TL;DR Press first flash fiction competition. All proceeds donated to First Story. Buy it here!

Published Non-Fiction

  • “Hang in there, kiddo”: A 20-year Animal Crossing Friendship, 2023 (Heartlines Spec)
    An essay on my childhood friendship with a little virtual cat named Kiki, and how finding her again during the pandemic brought my friends together while apart. Read it here!

    10 Lessons I Learned From Judging a Flash Fiction Competition, 2020 (Medium)
    I helped judge the TL;DR Press 1,000 Word Herd Flash Fiction Competition (or #1kWHC for short). We gave each writer two prompts and 1 week to write a 1,000-word flash fiction story based on them. Read more here.

    How To Organize Beta Reader Feedback: A Practical Guide, 2020 (Medium)
    With 4/7 of my beta readers’ feedback in my hands for my novel, I’ve turned my attention to the next challenge: What do you do with all this information without going crazy? Read more here.

    What Actually Wins You NaNoWriMo, 2019 (Medium)
    It’s that time of year again! Time for every writer to share what National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo, or NaNo) is all about and give some quick tips on how to make the most of this mad month of manuscript making. Read more here.